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API Overview

Tachi exposes a public API which allows programs to interact with Tachi.

This means you could make your own applications that work off of Tachi's datasets.


This documentation assumes some basic programming knowledge, such as how to make HTTP requests, and how to parse JSON.

Depending on what variant of Tachi you want to interact with, the API is hosted on or


Some API endpoints are only available on Kamaitachi or Bokutachi. If an endpoint has this restriction, it will be documented on that endpoints' page.


The Tachi API is provided under the assumption that it will be used to make cool things, and used responsibly.

Abuse of this API will result in your ability to use it being banned.

The API has a rate limit of 500 requests every minute. This is a very generous rate limit, and you should not even be close to hitting it.

If you are in a scenario where you might be hitting even 100 requests a minute consistently, please contact me at zkldi#2965. Otherwise, you might have your tokens revoked for API abuse.


Tachi-Server (Where the API is wrote) is licensed under the AGPLv3.

To quote GitHub:


Permissions of this strongest copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. When a modified version is used to provide a service over a network, the complete source code of the modified version must be made available.

This is not legal advice.


Unless otherwise mentioned, all non-GET request properties should be sent to the API in application/json form.

GET request properties should be sent to the API in the Query String.

Your authentication tokens should be sent in the HTTP Authorization header, using Bearer token form.

You should provide this token for every endpoint. Even though not all endpoints require authentication tokens, they are still used for API analytics.


Unless otherwise mentioned, all responses to the API are in application/json form.

The API has two schemas for JSON responses.

Success Response

As the name implies, the Success Response is returned on a successful request.

Property Type Description
success true Always true for a successful response.
description String Information about what happened with the request.
body Endpoint Dependent Any data that the endpoint needs to return, such as a user's document from a profile request.

The HTTP Status Code for any Success Response will always be of 2XX form.

Failed Response

As the name implies, the Failed Response is returned when a request fails.

Property Type Description
success false Always false for a failed response.
description String Information about what went wrong with the request.

The HTTP Status Code for any Failed Response will always be of either 4XX or 5XX form.


The description property is NOT intended for program usage. You should NEVER depend on the output of description, as it may be changed at any time for any reason.


Any API request can fail for any reason. You should always account for the case where the request fails.


That should be everything. If you have any questions about the API, you can contact me on discord at zkldi#2965. You can also write an issue on the Issue Tracker. I'll get around to either.

It's entirely possible that I might've made a typo or wrote a poor explaination of something, so please reach out!