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GPT-Target Endpoints

These endpoints deal with targets for a Game + Playtype. These are things like searching goals or quests, or retrieving information about a specific ID.

For user-specific target endpoints, such as subscriptions, see UGPT-Target Endpoints.

Retrieve this game's recently achieved targets

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/recently-achieved


This endpoint returns the 100 most recently achieved goal subscriptions, and 50 most recently achieved quest subscriptions.

A target is not considered recently achieved if it was instantly achieved.




Property Type Description
goals Array<GoalDocument> The goal documents that were recently achieved.
quests Array<QuestDocument> The quest documents that were recently achieved.
goalSubs Array<GoalSubDocument> User subscriptions to goals that were recently achieved.
questSubs Array<QuestSubDocument> User subscriptions to quests that were recently achieved.



GET /api/v1/games/iidx/SP/targets/recently-achieved


    goals: [{
        name: "HARD CLEAR 5.1.1 Another",
        goalID: "foo"
        // ... other goal props
    quests: [{
        name: "Go Beyond Diamond 1",
        questID: "bar",
        // ... other quest props
    goalSubs: [{
        userID: 1,
        goalID: "foo",
        achieved: true,
        // ... other goalsub props
    questSubs: [{
        userID: 3,
        questID: "bar",
        achieved: true,
        // ... other quest sub props

Retrieve this game's recently interacted-with targets

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/recently-raised


This endpoint returns the 100 most recently interacted-with goal subscriptions, and 50 most recently interacted-with quest subscriptions.

A recently interacted with target subscription is one where progress or outOf has changed recently.


This endpoint excludes achieved targets -- targets still get interacted with when achieved, which means a user with a lot of targets will just flood this endpoint with redundant updates on larger imports.




Property Type Description
goals Array<GoalDocument> The goal documents that were recently achieved.
quests Array<QuestDocument> The quest documents that were recently achieved.
goalSubs Array<GoalSubDocument> User subscriptions to goals that were recently interacted with.
questSubs Array<QuestSubDocument> User subscriptions to quests that were recently interacted with.



GET /api/v1/games/iidx/SP/targets/recently-raised


    goals: [{
        name: "HARD CLEAR 5.1.1 Another",
        goalID: "foo"
        // ... other goal props
    quests: [{
        name: "Go Beyond Diamond 1",
        questID: "bar",
        // ... other quest props
    goalSubs: [{
        userID: 1,
        goalID: "foo",
        achieved: false,
        lastInteraction: 1649438990417,
        // ... other goalsub props
    questSubs: [{
        userID: 3,
        questID: "bar",
        achieved: false,
        lastInteraction: 1649438990415,
        // ... other quest sub props

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/goals/popular




Property Type Description
<body> Array<GoalDocument & __subscriptions > An array of the 100 most popular goals for this GPT, where __subscriptions is how many subscriptions the goal has.



GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/goals/popular


    name: "HARD CLEAR foo",
    // ...
}, {
    name: "AAA foo",
    // ...

Retrieve information about a specific goal and its subscribers.

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/goals/:goalID




Property Type Description
goal GoalDocument The goal document at this ID.
goalSubs Array<GoalSubDocument> All of the subscriptions to this goal.
users Array<UserDocument> All of the users subscribed to this goal.
parentQuests Array<QuestDocument> All of the quests that include this goal.

Evaluate a goal upon a user.

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/goals/:goalID/evaluate-for


This endpoint is notably in a bit of a strange position. It can't go under UGPT because UGPT/goals/:goalID is for goal subscriptions, and overloading the endpoint to be something like "return the goal subscription or evaluate it if doesn't exist" is ugly.

As such, it ends up here, but is generally a bit awkward.


Property Type Description
userID String The user to evaluate this goal for.


Property Type Description
goal GoalDocument The goal document that was evaluated.
user UserDocument The user that this goal was evaluated for.
results.achieved Boolean Whether this user would have this goal achieved or not.
results.progress Integer What this user's progress would be on this goal.
results.progressHuman String A user friendly format for this user's goal progress.
results.outOf Integer What this goal was out of.
results.outOfHuman String A user friendly format for what this goal was out of.


For more info on progress/outOf, see Goals.



GET /api/v1/games/iidx/SP/targets/goals/some_goal_id/evaluate-for?userID=zkldi


    user: {
        username: "zkldi",
        id: 1,
        // ...
    goal: {
        goalID: "some_goal_id",
        name: "FULL COMBO some chart"
        // ...
    result: {
        achieved: false,
        progress: 5,
        progressHuman: "EX HARD CLEAR",
        outOf: 6,
        outOfHuman: "FULL COMBO"

Search quests for this GPT.

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/quests


You might notice that there's no equivalent endpoint for goals.

Searching goals for a GPT isn't very interesting, since they can be created by anyone at any time. The only reason goals are stored separately to subscriptions are for deduplication purposes and quests.

As such, searching goals for a GPT is pointless, since technically it should search the set of all possible goals.


Property Type Description
search String The query to search for.


Property Type Description
<body> Array<QuestDocument> All of the quests that matched this search criteria.

Retrieve information about a specific quest, and who is subscribed to it.

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/quests/:questID




Property Type Description
quest QuestDocument The quest with this questID.
questSubs Array<QuestSubDocument> All of the subscriptions to this quest.
users Array<UserDocument> All of the user's with subscriptions to this quest.
goals Array<GoalDocument> All of the goals in this quest.
parentQuestlines Array<QuestlineDocument> Any questlines that contain this quest.

Evaluate a quest for a user, even if they aren't subscribed to it.

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/quests/:questID/evaluate-for


Property Type Description
userID String The user you wish to evaluate this quest upon.


Property Type Description
goals Array<GoalDocument> All of the goals in this quest.
goalResults Array<EvaluatedGoalResult> This user's progress on each individual goal in this quest.
achieved Boolean Whether this user has this quest achieved or not.
progress Integer How many goals this user has achieved in this quest.
outOf Integer How many goals need to be achieved in this quest for it to be marked as achieved.


Property Type Description
goalID String The goal ID that these results are for.
achieved Boolean Whether this goal was achieved or not.
progress Number | Null How much progress this user made on this goal. Null if no progress was made.
outOf Number What progress needs to be greater than or equal to for this goal to count as achieved.
progressHuman String A humanised, pretty-printed progress indicator for this goal.
outOfHuman String A humanised, pretty-printed outOf indicator for this goal.

Search Questlines

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/questlines


Property Type Description
search String A name of a questline to search for.


Property Type Description
<body> Array<QuestlineDocument> An array of QuestlineDocuments, based on the search parameter.

Retrieve a questline with a specific ID.

GET /api/v1/games/:game/:playtype/targets/questlines/:questlineID




Property Type Description
questline QuestlineDocument The questline document at this ID.
quests Array<QuestDocument> All of the quest documents that belong to this set.