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Import Document Endpoints


This should not be confused with Import Endpoints. Those are for importing scores, whereas these endpoints are for Import Document interaction.

Retrieve an import document and information about it.

GET /api/v1/imports/:importID




Property Type Description
scores Array<ScoreDocument> All of the scores imported from this import.
songs Array<SongDocument> All of the songs related to the scores in this import.
charts Array<ChartDocument> All of the charts related to the scores in this import.
sessions Array<SessionDocument> All of the sessions created as a result of this import. Note that this does not include sessions modified by this import!
import ImportDocument The Import document you requested.
user UserDocument The user document for the person who made this import.

Revert an import.

POST /api/v1/imports/:importID/revert


This endpoint is intended to undo a faulty import. For example, if you were using a batch-manual script that somehow went haywire. Normal users should not need to use this, but it is on the UI regardless incase they cause catastrophic failure.


Reverting an import is equivalent to undoing all of the scores that were imported as a result of the import. This, however, does not necessitate that classes will be reverted, such as if the import also declared you as kaiden -- that currently requires manual moderator intervention.


  • delete_score
  • Must be the owner of this import (Or a server administrator).




None. (Empty Object)

Poll an ongoing import

GET /api/v1/imports/:importID/poll-status


The reason we can't directly respond with import info is that tachi-server may use a feature called SCORE_IMPORT_WORKERS. This dedicates score processing to separate processes which communicate back with any parent server. This means that the result of an import processed on one server may be returned by another.

This feature is enabled on our instances of tachi-server -- Boku and Kamai, which means you will have to poll this endpoint.


You are intended to poll this endpoint every one second or so. Do it until body.importStatus is "completed".


body.progress.description is human-friendly output, you can render it to a client on every ping in the case where body.importStatus is "ongoing".




Property Type Description
importStatus "completed" | "ongoing" If this is equal to completed, the import is finished and the importDocument is returned under import . If this is "ongoing", a progress key will display information and progress though the import
progress { description: string } | Not Present If importStatus is "ongoing", this will contain a string description of where in the import process this import is.
import ImportDocument | Not Present If importStatus is "completed", this will contain the import document that was just inserted into the database.



GET /api/v1/imports/my_import_id/poll-status


    importStatus: "ongoing",
    progress: {
        description: "Imported 1832 Scores..."


    importStatus: "completed",
    import: {
        importID: "my_import_id",
        scoreIDs: ["foo", "bar"],
        // ... more import props