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Status Checks

These endpoints are generally for programmers checking their code works. They can also be used to check the status of the server.

Check server status.

GET /api/v1/status

This endpoint is a status check for the API and the consumer, It's a good way of sanity checking whether your code works.


Property Type Description
echo String A string to echo. This is useful for checking whether parameters are sending over properly.


Property Type Description
serverTime Integer The current time of the server in Unix Milliseconds.
startTime Integer The time this server was booted in Unix Milliseconds.
whoami Integer | null The userID you are authenticated as. If you are not authenticated, this is null.
version String The current version of Tachi-Server running.
permissions Array<string> The permissions this request had.
echo (Conditional) String If an echo parameter was provided, this is that exact parameter.


GET /api/v1/status?echo=helloworld

    "serverTime": 1623331110661,
    "version": "v2.0.0 (Mysterons)",
    "permissions": ["score_submit", "example_permission"],
    "echo": "helloworld"

Check server status with POST.

POST /api/v1/status

This endpoint is identical to GET /status, but it responds to POST requests, and takes the echo parameter from the request body.

This is a good way to check whether your code sends JSON bodies properly.


POST /api/v1/status
    "echo": "hello world"

    "serverTime": 1623331110662,
    "version": "v2.0.0 (Mysterons)",
    "permissions": ["score_submit", "example_permission"],
    "echo": "hello world"