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UGPT-Target Endpoints

These endpoints deal with targets for a User, Game and Playtype. These are things like subscribing to a new quest, or reading info about progress on a specific goal.

For user-specific target endpoints, such as subscriptions, see UGPT-Target Endpoints.

Retrieve a user's recently achieved targets.

GET /api/v1/users/:userID/games/:game/:playtype/targets/recently-achieved




Property Type Description
goalSubs Array<GoalSubDocument> The goal subscriptions that were recently achieved by this user.
goals Array<GoalDocument> The goal documents that were recently achieved (if any).
questSubs Array<QuestSubDocument> The quest subscriptions that were recently achieved by this user.
quest Array<QuestDocument> The quest documents that were recently achieved (if any).
user UserDocument The user you requested this information about.

Retrieve a user's recently raised targets.

GET /api/v1/users/:userID/games/:game/:playtype/targets/recently-raised


Recently raised means that the user recently increased their progress on the target. It explicitly excludes achieved goals -- only things that they are getting closer to.




Property Type Description
goalSubs Array<GoalSubDocument> The goal subscriptions that were recently achieved by this user.
goals Array<GoalDocument> The goal documents that were recently achieved (if any).
questSubs Array<QuestSubDocument> The quest subscriptions that were recently achieved by this user.
quest Array<QuestDocument> The quest documents that were recently achieved (if any).
user UserDocument The user you requested this information about.

Retrieve this user's quest subscriptions.

GET /api/v1/users/:userID/games/:game/:playtype/targets/quests




Property Type Description
quests Array<QuestDocument> All of the quests this user is subscribed to.
questSubs Array<QuestSubDocument> All of this user's quest subscriptions.

Get a user's progress on a specific quest they are subscribed to.

GET /api/v1/users/:userID/games/:game/:playtype/targets/quests/:questID


If you're looking to evaluate a quest against a user, without knowing whether they're subscribed to it or not, you want GPT/Targets/Quests/Evaluate-For.

This endpoint is admittedly in a very strange position, where it overlaps with that evaluate-for endpoint quite significantly, but this endpoint is also intended to return the user's questSub, so I thought it best to split this into two endpoints.




Property Type Description
questSub QuestSubDocument The user's subscription to this quest.
quest QuestDocument The quest document in question.
goals Array<GoalDocument> The goals involved in this quest.
results Array<EvaluatedGoalResult> The user's progress on each goal in this quest.


Property Type Description
goalID String The goal ID that these results are for.
achieved Boolean Whether this goal was achieved or not.
progress Number | Null How much progress this user made on this goal. Null if no progress was made.
outOf Number What progress needs to be greater than or equal to for this goal to count as achieved.
progressHuman String A humanised, pretty-printed progress indicator for this goal.
outOfHuman String A humanised, pretty-printed outOf indicator for this goal.

Subscribe to a quest.

PUT /api/v1/users/:userID/games/:game/:playtype/targets/quests/:questID


  • manage_targets
  • Must be the requesting user.


None. (All relevant info is in the URL.)


Property Type Description
goals Array<GpalDocument> The goals involved in this quest.
quest QuestDocument The quest the user just subscribed to.
goalResults Array<EvaluatedGoalResults> The user's progress on each individual goal in this quest.
questSub QuestSubscriptionDocument The quest subscription this user just created

Unsubscribe from a quest.

DELETE /api/v1/users/:userID/games/:game/:playtype/targets/quests/:questID


  • manage_targets
  • Must be the requesting user.




Property Type Description
quest QuestDocument The quest you just unsubscribed from.