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Orphan Scores

SongOrChartNotFoundFailures state that we don't have the data to understand what chart/song this score is for.

However, that doesn't necessarily imply we won't have that data in the future. Orphaned scores are a way of storing score-like data without a song or chart as a parent.

Then, when the song and chart are made available, those scores can be imported as if nothing had changed!

How do they work?

Orphaned scores store the data and context from the parser.

When unorphaning is attempted, the Converter Function is called with that data and context.

If it results in a SongOrChartNotFoundFailure, we do nothing.

If it results in a success, we have a new DryScore we can import.


If another type of failure occurs - i.e. InvalidScoreFailure, then we remove the orphaned score from the DB.


This is why Converter Functions are completely static, so we can safely call the same Converter Function with this data to unorphan scores.