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Parsing Import Processing Info

The ImportProcessingInfo array returned from our importing process is unwieldy to work with. We are interested in what it has to say, though.

This step converts that array into data we use in successive score import steps.


Because the logic for this is essentially just one loop, it does not get its own file in score-importing/.

Instead, it is defined inside score-import-main.ts.


Property Type Description
scoreIDs Array<string> The array of scoreIDs imported as a result of this import.
errors Array<{ type, message }> An array of the failed ImportProcessingInfo's Types and Error Messages.
chartIDs Set<string> A set of the chartIDs modified by this import. This is a set to ensure that every chartID here is unique.
scorePlaytypeMap Record<Playtype, Array<Score>> All of the score documents returned filtered into Playtype buckets.

What's with ScorePlaytypeMap?

Some imports may import scores from multiple Playtypes. We frequently want to only refer to the set of scores modified under a given playtype (For importing a users game:playtype stats, as an example) so this is a very useful data structure to have.