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Documentation Guide

The documentation component of Tachi powers the website you're currently viewing. Hi!

Tool Knowledge

To properly contribute to the documentation, you'll need to know the following things:

If you don't know, or aren't comfortable with all of the things on this list, click on them to learn about them!

Component Overview

All of the content for this component is inside the docs/ folder.

It contains another folder, inconveniently called docs/, which contains all of the markdown files that are our documentation.

There's another folder called includes/, which contains some things that are constantly referenced throughout the documentation.

At the top level, there's mkdocs.yml, which we'll go over later.

Software Overview

We use MKDocs Material for our documentation. It extends markdown a bit to let us add things like admonitions and references.

This is a Python package, making it the only part of our codebase that is Python based. As such, you'll need a way of installing python packages.

Their documentation is incredibly good, so check their stuff out there if you want to use their markdown extensions.

Other than that, our documentation is vanilla markdown. If you know how to write a reddit comment, you know how to write documentation.


Use pip to install mkdocs and mkdocs-material.


Python package management is an utter disasterous mess. Feel free to set up a venv or some other elaborate rube-goldberg machine to ensure that your packages don't bleed everywhere.

Either way, you want to install such that is mkdocs on your terminal.

You might have to restart your terminal after installing it, depending on the alignment of pip with the sun.

Running the Documentation

Use mkdocs serve inside Tachi's docs/ folder to start up a local documentation viewer on port 8000.

This will automatically refresh when you edit anything related to the documentation, so you can quickly see how your stuff goes.

A bit about mkdocs.yml

MKDocs has only one configuration file -- mkdocs.yml. This is a YAML file that configures the documentation we output.

It also manages the order of pages on the site. You need to edit this if you're adding new pages! They aren't automatically added!

Contributing Back

It's just documentation. Make the changes and commit them up, ideally with docs: as the commit prefix.

That is to say: your commit messages should look like docs: fixed typo in API route.